Notes from The Cube: Hill-Stead Museum Visitor Center

Centerbrook gathered around the virtual Zoom hearth recently to hear Chuck Mueller and Frank Giordano describe our work at the Hill-Stead Museum in Farmington, Connecticut, currently at the mid-point of construction.

Led by Principal Emeritus Chad Floyd, we’ve collaborated with the Hill-Stead on its bucolic 150 acre property and Colonial Revival mansion for over 14 years. The mansion was designed for her family by a young Theodate Pope Riddle, who became one of America’s first women in the field of architecture. Its world class collection of art and antiquities, collected by her father, includes works by Degas, Manet, Cassatt, and Monet, among others.

Colonial Revival mansion designed by Theodate Pope Riddle.

Colonial Revival mansion designed by Theodate Pope Riddle.

Barns and outbuildings

Barns and outbuildings

Chuck described the intricate process of gently adapting a collection of interconnected agrarian estate outbuildings to house a visitors center and art galleries for travelling exhibits. He focused on the surgical construction interventions that will allow for modern, environmentally controlled spaces while preserving the historically-significant architectural fabric.

Frank then narrated a 3D animation he created which takes viewers on a virtual tour of the new entry hall, gift shop, fine art and new media galleries, and reception terrace. Stay tuned for future updates on the project, which will be completed in early summer.


Virtual animation created by Frank Giordano.